Monday 10 December 2012

Down Under!

Didn't sleep much last night. Certainly tried to but couldn't wait to start the journey to Australia. My mind skipping between various imprinted images of the country from years of watching travel documentaries (docos ;-)), Neighbours, Round the Twist, christmas repeats of Crocodile Dundee and vague recollections of Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. Not sure whether this insomnia will turn out to be a good or bad thing. I'm notoriously bad at being able to sleep on public transport and i've certainly given myself the best chance possible to break that duck.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to Australia with some trepidation. Cold weather is my friend and the thought of a 38 degree temperature increase fills me with dread. I've also seen enough docos to know that Australia has the top 10 deadliest snakes in the world, many of the deadliest spiders and a lot more besides...and I don't really need a re-read of Bill Bryson's Down Under to remind me of that.

When I first read the book 14 or so years ago I never saw myself going down under; the alien landscapes and wildlife, the 24 hour distance, the cost of flying far beyond what I could afford at the time. I also never saw myself with an Aussie girlfriend, let alone wife.

Since meeting Holly 4 years ago i've met more Australians than i'd met in my life before that. I've heard stories about the country, got to understand the culture and the geography, read about it and been to a lecture and gallery celebrating it's art. Australia has already changed and enhanced my life greatly and i've not even been there yet.

This trip is more of a family and friends visit than a sight-seeing holiday. We're not out on any serious bush walks nor partaking in any bush-tucker trials. In fact there will be more in the way of cityscapes than the red deserts and jungles I so associate with Australia. It's Christmas and it's the height of the summer. I can only go so far from an air conditioning unit/swimming pool in 40 degree heat!!

So, with most of my bags packed and Bill Bryson's Down Under on download from iBooks, I head out on my greatest journey. 24+ hours worth of films, music, books, food and drink await! Then, time for me to man up.

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