Friday 28 December 2012

Christmas with the in-laws

I stayed up late  to watch the Swansea v Man United game, which Man United should have won but ended up drawing 1-1.

Little did I know when I woke up late morning on Christmas Eve that I would be spending the whole of Christmas with my in-laws, interspersed with trips to see Holly at her sick bed. But sadly, that's the way things turned out. Because of this and the fact that most of the time was spent eating, drinking with a little bit of swimming thrown in I shall keep the 3 days of Christmas brief and all on the same post. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy Christmas. Holly's family are lovely and we really did the best to make the most of a bad situation. It just wasn't the same without Holly.

Holly had really bad sun/heatstroke. She was badly burnt, dehydrated, was sick and had vertigo. I spent much of christmas eve, christmas day and boxing day checking up on her, providing her with water, food, moisturiser, aloe vera and helping getting her to the toilet.

On Christmas Eve it was sunny so myself and the in-laws got to make use of the pool. Joss and Marcus arrived back at the house on Christmas Eve at around 8:00 in the evening. The dinner was delicious.

We got up on Christmas Day and I helped Holly into the lounge, though she could hardly see. We handed out presents to each other around the Christmas tree. I received a stubby holder of Australia, a beach towel and a Newcastle Jets football top (thanks in-laws :-)). Holly started feeling sick, so we headed back to the bedroom, via the toilet.

Leaving her to sleep, the rest of us went to the patio to have our Christmas day breakfast of fruit salad, bacon, eggs, croissants, danish pastries and champagne by the pool. The food and drink were delicious but sadly the weather was terrible and would stay so all day, with rain pouring down. We were confined to the covered area of the patio.

Apart from helping Holly we spent much of the day chatting around the table and by the evening we were ready for our Christmas dinner. Yet again the meal was delicious. We finished the evening with a fortified wine before heading to bed.

I loved spending a few little happy moments with Holly throughout the day, relaying some of the conversations we'd had at the table and pulling a cracker with her after dinner.

I spent more of Boxing day by Holly's bed side as she was feeling a bit better.  The weather was horrible again so we again spent some time around the covered area of the patio.  I stayed up for my last late night football match.  It was a fantastic match between Man United and Newcastle which Man United won 4-3, scoring in the last couple of minutes.


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